Thursday, September 4, 2008

U.S. Elections 2008 Part II

Sarah Palin's acceptence speech was shocking! Do the American politicians realize that they are being watched by viewers all over the world. Gone are the days when such events were viewed only by those who have access to American TV networks. Palin's self description as "pit bull with lipstick" was not in the least pretty.

It was extremely disappointing to hear Palin mock the value of education. How is this country going to value education when politicians has no regard whatsoever for it. America beware - just as the rest of the world is catching up very fast in the field of science and technology, if politicians are not told to revere education (which in turn bestows wisdom) the rest of the world will be a wiser lot compared to the americans. What is the value of politicians providing lip service to improving education in the country when the politicians are bent on ridiculing its value? This is an obvious disconnect.

University education in America is considered one of the best in the world. It is rather surprising that educational institutions are not standing up to these politicians who have utter disregard for the contributions of these institutions. I guess one way to show their displeasure is to ensure that the Republicans are defeated in the elections.

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