Sunday, June 21, 2009

The need to distinguish between literacy and education

Recognizing the difference between a tool and its application is critical in using knowledge. It is not unusual to come across a system in which one can see significant strides made in developing the tool but very little development in its use. Often there is confusion in using the terms literacy and education. Literacy is the tool to be used in its application, education. Attaining 100% literacy does not mean gaining significant levels of education. Education involves more than reading, writing and arithmetic. An important component of education is critical thinking and developing strategies on how to use the knowledge gained through the use of literacy. Once the literary component of the educational process has been achieved – the system has to start training individuals on the application.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Obama's speech in Cairo

Listening to Obama is absolutely refreshing after eight years of disappointment. He is not only thoughtful in comments but extremely articulate. Does his experience as an academic Professor contributed to these characteristics? Most probably. Whatever the reason, it is doing a lot of good to the world.