Saturday, August 29, 2009

The 2009 healthcare discussions in the U.S.

The country is in the midst of intense discussions on reforming the health insurance. It started with the goal of ensuring that the cost of health insurance is brought under control. A number of factors contribute towards this persistent increase in the cost of insurance year after year. One of the factors is that the cost of healthcare for the 47 million uninsured individuals in the country is shouldered by those who are insured. The answer for this was to ensure that the 47 uninsured are provided the opportunity to have affordable insurance. Sometimes it is not the affordability; it is the rejection by some insurance companies to provide coverage because of pre-existing conditions. The proposal to provide an option to any individual who needed insurance (”public option”) has come under intense criticism. The underlying concern for the criticism was the concern that the availability of such an option would undermine the “monopoly” of the private insurance companies. It is difficult to come up with any other reason for the not so civil town hall meetings. One concern was that government sponsored insurance would stifle the private insurance. Responding to this criticism President Obama was quick to respond in brilliant fashion. He responded that despite the existence of the United States Postal Service, a government run agency, private companies like FedEx and UPS continue to thrive while the United Postal Service was the one in perilous existence. His made it clear that a public option was important for ensuring sufficient competition for the private insurance companies. After all despite the availability of the numerous health insurance companies, they all seemed to be functioning like one company. Another concern by those against the public option is that they do not want bureaucrats making decisions as to when and what they will pay. They are oblivious to the fact that is what is happens currently with the private insurance companies. It was also humorous to hear many individuals, including the Chairman of the Republican Party, Michael Steele, making superficial statements on how much they were against government run health care option without realizing that Medicare is a government run health insurance program! It is not unusual to hear many people at the town hall meetings make such statements that contradicted one another. One has to wonder if these not so well thought out statements are made because of confusion in thought, insecurity or because they are made by individuals from the opposition party with the aim of depriving a democratic President a victory whenever possible.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Are eighteen year olds ready make decisions on their own and be independent?

Are eighteen year olds ready make decisions on their own and be independent? As a parent of a child off to the University, I have had to confront this question. At the orientation I was make acutely aware, the staff at the University “Your child is an adult. You do not have any right to their documents, medical records etc;”. Incidentally when it comes to paying for college, the parents are still kind of responsible!
So, are eighteen year olds really equipped emotionally to make decisions and be independent? My experience is that it depends on the child. Some children are well grounded and mature and can make decisions. But not all children are ready. What are the consequences when society decides to give all eighteen year olds the status of adults – even those that are not ready to handle the independence? Unfortunately, I suppose there is no way to apply different standards to the two groups in a university setting. I am sure the staff will tell you that all students need this independence (irrespective of their level of maturity) to explore the various aspects of life and that they will all step up to the challenges.
I only hope that this is indeed the case!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The need to distinguish between literacy and education

Recognizing the difference between a tool and its application is critical in using knowledge. It is not unusual to come across a system in which one can see significant strides made in developing the tool but very little development in its use. Often there is confusion in using the terms literacy and education. Literacy is the tool to be used in its application, education. Attaining 100% literacy does not mean gaining significant levels of education. Education involves more than reading, writing and arithmetic. An important component of education is critical thinking and developing strategies on how to use the knowledge gained through the use of literacy. Once the literary component of the educational process has been achieved – the system has to start training individuals on the application.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Obama's speech in Cairo

Listening to Obama is absolutely refreshing after eight years of disappointment. He is not only thoughtful in comments but extremely articulate. Does his experience as an academic Professor contributed to these characteristics? Most probably. Whatever the reason, it is doing a lot of good to the world.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Continuing educations for physicians in India

I am currently working on organizing a conference on clinical genetics in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. There is an enormous amount of new information generated every day in the field of clinical genetics. To keep oneself up to date with the most current information, one has to have access to information, via publications. Continuing education is also important. In this regard, my observation is that practicing physicians in many parts of India do not participate in scientific conferences. This could be because they do not like to travel for such conferences. It could also be because they are not provided with adequate time and financial resources to participate in scientific meetings. I wonder if this is because administrators do not realize the importance of ensuring that physicians employed by the government to provide medical services to the citizens have to keep up with contemporary information. Granted, that many of the medical services are “routine” and ones does not need to acquire new information. However, genetics, which play a crucial role in many disorders seen in affluent societies (such disorders are on the increase in India), requires that clinicians have to be provided with opportunities to keep abreast of current information. Alternatively, clinicians themselves have to take an active role in organizing conferences locally and make an effort to keep up with the ever increasing information in the field of clinical genetics. Will it be different in a decade or so in India, when as in developed countries, clinicians will be actively participating in scientific conferences and using the information from such conferences in their daily practice to provide their patients with the best possible care?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

I know it is rather late to write about Mother's Day, a whole week late. I have been meaning to write about it. I acknowledge that it is a contemporary holiday with strong commercial interests. This year on Mother’s Day, CNN John King in his show “State of the Union” had a segment in which a mother who is serving in the U.S. Army in Iraq was interviewed and was given the opportunity to talk with her two children back home in the U.S. The 6 year old daughter was asked what she would have done for her mother if she was home. The little girl replied, “Make pancakes with berries”. That was very touching. I wonder how many mothers and children were in that position, being away from their small children, in very difficult circumstances not because of their choice.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire and the 2009 Oscar

Hollywood is getting ready for the Academy award ceremonies to be held tomorrow at the Kodak theatre. Without doubt this is going to be a sensational show with the incredible reviews for Slumdog Millionaire (SM). I have never heard this much of discussions about any movie as in the case of SM. I have been taking an informal poll of what viewers thought about the movie. I must say it is wide range of opinions. These include - violent, funny, sad, very fast moving, engaging and happy. As for the music by A.R. Rahman, fans of Rahman in India will be happy to know that Californians who have never heard his music before SM, are buying the CD of music from SM! All this appreciation for this movie and the music is truly phenomenal.
Yesterday I learned that the youngest stars of the movie are travelling from Mumbai to California. I presume they will participate in the award ceremonies. I hope this arrangement to have the young actors participate in the celebrations is a reflection of what is due to them as part of the team in the production of the movie and not because of the controversy about the movie among some quarters in India. I will be watching the ceremonies tomorrow and am very hopeful that SM will indeed win awards in more than one category - becauee - as an acquaintance of mine said "Hollywood likes movies that are different".

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Barak Obama's inauguration

What a sight! The swearing in of the 44th President of the United States - Barak Obama! It is indeed fascinating to be a witness to this amazing expression of democracy. I am excited not because Obama is an African American - but because of his truly presedential personality - intelligence, wisdon, humility and charm. After 8 years, Americans can finally hold our heads high and be proud of what citizens in a true democracy can do to bring chance.