Wednesday, October 22, 2008

2008 General elections in Orange County, California

I never quite understood the meaning of the term conservative until I moved to the city of Irvine in southern California over ten years ago. After eight years of Republican governance, most American are more than ready for a change. The driving force behind this craving for change is the younger generation. Having an eighteen year old at home who is all wired up and supporting the Obama campaign brings the election all the more close to home. On our street our house has an "Obama-Biden" and a "No on prop 8" garden signs. Two of our neigbhors have "McCain-Palin" garden signs. I only wish they would ask me why I support the the Obama-Biden ticket, I would happily invite them for a cup of tea and explain the reasons why I support that ticket. The last two evening I have seen more than one group at crossroads with signs supporting prop 8 . For those who do not know what prop 8 is, it is a vote against same sex marriage. While the whole country is reeling under financial turmoil and dealing with two wars that are draining the nations financial resources, I doubt there are very many rational folks who are bothered about issues such as same sex marriage, other than the conservatives!

Friday, October 10, 2008

2008 U.S. Elections Part IV

There is less than three weeks before the elections in the U.S. The recent weeks have been more than exciting - what with the Wall Street crises. We need intelligent, young leaders capable of bringing together a team of able individuals who can help to lead the country out of this economic mess and facilitate in improving the image of the U.S. in the eyes of the international community. In this regard, Obama wins hands down compared to McCain. Obama not only brings a certain amount of energy required to bring about these changes, but also somebody new with some fresh ideas.